TransForm onSubmit Event BuilderSend Email


Sends an email with the data from the Form that was submitted.


The Send Email TransForm onSubmit action send an email to a specific email address with the data in the Form that was submitted. The email address is defined at the time the action is created. The Form data can be sent in one of the following formats:

  • JSON - the Form data will be shown in raw JSON format in the body of the e-mail message
  • HTML - the Form data will be shown as formatted HTML in the body of the e-mail message
  • EXCEL - the Form data will be exported to an Excel file and sent as an attachment to the e-mail message

By default, the action is defined for all Form Types in the TransForm account. You can restrict the action to specific Form Types with a filter. The filter is defined as a comma-delimited list of Form Types. The wildcard character "*" can be used when defining the Form Types filter. For example:

Using a wild card to define a Form Types filter

The filter above will execute the Send Email action if the submitted Form's type starts with inspection or is the expenses Form Type.

If you want to send a formatted report showing some or all of the data in the Form that was submitted to an email address that is specified in the Form data (for example, you want to send a summary of work done to the email address specified in the Form's email field), use the Report action.

Configuring the Send Email Action

The Send Email Action Editor
The Send Email Action Editor

The following properties are used to configure the Send Email action.

Send to

A comma delimited list of email addresses.


The subject for the email message.


The type of data format used to send the submitted Form data. Data can be formatted as:

  • JSON - data is shown in JSON format in the body of the email message
  • HTML - data is shown as formatted HTML in the body of the message
  • EXCEL - data is in an Excel file that is attached to the email message
Form Ids

The forms the Send Email action applies to. Form Types are specified as a comma delimited list of Form Type Ids. You can use wildcard characters in the Form Type Ids.

To specify that the action applies to all form types, leave blank or enter: *

The smart field button for the property opens the Select Forms dialog, which can be used to select Form Types from the TransForm Account that should send an email when submitted.